Each brief is written by our tutors and supplemented with primary sources, news articles, and opinion pieces for further reading. Our themes vary with the semester. In the past, we have had briefs based on global cities, global health, autonomous communities, environmental issues, and more. Our curriculum for Spring 2020 focused on different educational programs around the world.
Below is a copy of our Fall 2016 curriculum on Global Cities, with one of the many briefs included.
Some of our curriculums include companion videos that go along with our lessons.
Videos for Fall 2018 Curriculum
Lesson 1: Civil Rights Movements
Lesson 2: Politically Revolutionary Movements
Lesson 3: Gun & Policing Movements
Lesson 4: Environmental Movements
Lesson 5: Health Reform Movements
Lesson 6: Feminist Movements
Lesson 7: Sustainable Agriculture Movements
Videos for Spring 2020 Curriculum
Lesson 1:Test-Focused Education Systems: Singapore
Lesson 2: Educational Equity: Finland
Lesson 3:Barriers to Education: Nigeria